Sunday, 10 March 2013

KI Day 2, Part 2

 The views on the way down to Admirals Arch were stunning.  There were seals playing on the rocks and the sky was a beautiful blue!  Our group leader told us about a time when he had been down on the rocks (when you were permitted) when a freak wave washed onto the rocks.  Luckily, he managed to slip into a cave and hang on.  All the seals were washed from the rocks and the whole scene was watched by his wife and in-laws who thought he'd been swept out to sea!

After Admirals Arch, we headed for a swim. The sea looked beautiful but was a little chilly so I decided to paddle at this beach.  The water was really clear but quite seaweady at the shore. There were some snorkelers out to sea with spears and they came up to the beach with heaps of fish that they'd caught.

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