Friday, 2 November 2012

The Doolette Curse

The scene of the accident!
The building I work in at CLG is called Doolette.  On Monday morning, my colleague Veronica knocked her leg on a box and within 20 minutes, she had a lump the size of a baseball on her shin.  She had to go off to the doctors and was signed off until Thursday.  I was walking to school on Thursday morning and I managed to trip on something just outside the school gate.  I went down, landed on my knees whilst managing to knock my hand on the fence.  I got up quickly & checked there were no witnesses.  Off I hobbled into the building.  When I got into the Doolette building, I called out to Veronica to see if she was better, then realised my foot was covered in blood. 
 Veronica hobbled out to have a look & we found that I had a gash just under my knee.  Others were called for assistance and, much to my embarrassment, a SIT meeting was about to take place in the building so my relief at no witnesses to my little trip was short lived as half the staff were now checking out my injury!  I was wheeled out an office chair with my feet on another to an awaiting car to take me to A&E.  We were seen incredibly quickly & I was given 4 stitches, antibiotic and tetanus jabs.   

On our training day the next day in school, Veronica and I were given footstools, cushions and bells to call for assistance which we used frequently. 

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