Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Yurrebilla Track

The  start
 On Sunday, I was invited to go on a 12km walk with other exchange teachers both past and present.  The scenery was absolutely beautiful along with the weather.  I wore sunscreen and still managed to catch the sun.  We saw more wildlife and had the most amazing views over the city and the beaches.  Almost the whole of Adelaide was visible from the top of where we walked.

I actually look like I know where I'm going!

We saw a host of animals including small furry ones of a few descriptions.  I have to admit that I prefer the ones further down the page -very cute and pretty clever to stay on the tree while they're sleeping.  I also learnt something about them in class this week.  I hadn't realised that koalas are marsupials and when they give birth, their baby is the size of a jelly bean - no pain control needed there then!  We actually saw 4 of them in total, one on the way back up to the cars at the top of the hill which was sleeping in a branch level with the side of the road.   
The backdrop is the view which we could see over lunch

 It was a beautiful walk but my legs are still aching from it today (Tuesday).  Not quite as bad as when we did Snowdon but not far off!  I hope I'll be walking normally tomorrow rather than like an old lady!

Are we there yet?

One Tree Hill

We made it!
Another one

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