Monday, 27 August 2012

The Sea!

Glenelg beach

Glenelg beach
The jetty at Glenelg
Jetty Road, Glenelg
 I had a much more successful journey on public transport yesterday.  I went into the city by bus to have a look around and do a bit of window shopping.  I collected a few hundred brochures & leaflets from the information office to start planning what I'm going to do over the next few months.  As it was such a beautiful day, I decided to take the tram down to Glenelg which was really lovely.  

There were lots of people milling about, many of the bars and boutiques were open so I had a lovely afternoon wandering around the shops and cafes.  On my return journey, I didn't realise what the stop that I needed was called so almost missed it, luckily someone else was getting off there so the tram stopped.  I got off, walked around the corner & I'd just put down my shopping bags down when the bus pulled around the corner.  

Sunset over the hills
What a result!  As I'm still finding my way around I missed the stop closest to my road which also turned out to be a bonus as it meant that I could pop in to the local shop to get the milk I'd forgotten in town!  Now I have lots of planning of trips to organise.  How exciting!  On the way home, I just had to take a picture of the beautiful sunset.  If you're keen eyed and noticed the date & time on the pictures, the times are wrong as I still had my camera on UK time - all fixed now :-)

Saturday, 25 August 2012

SAETL Annual Dinner

I had my first experience of the Adelaide public transport this evening...pretty similar to home really. The first bus was 20 minutes late which meant I was going to moos my connecting bus! Luckily, I'd got chatting to a lady who suggested I go a bit further down the line & get the tram which runs from the city to the coast regularly all evening. The tram was bang on time which was great. The ticket guy just checked my ticket & moved on but when a bunch of inspectors got on, I was in trouble for not validating my ticket. I have since discovered that a ticket is valid for 2 hours & you're able to change vehicle as many times as you like during this time.
Name suggestions would be appreciated!
When I eventually frond the pub, and the little back room we were in, I was welcomed incredibly warmly. As most exchange teachers had been here since January, I was taken under the wing of the organisers. It was an inspirational evening full of memories, inspiration and national anthems. The food was delicious, I had scotch fillet which was cooked beautifully.
My gifts together!
There were teachers and students from a whole range of countries: Japan, France, Germany, Canada, England & the US. Each country had a representative who gave a short speech or presentation. I was offered the opportunity to say a few words as I was the only teacher exchanging from the UK. I politely declined as I was completely unprepared. I was, however, presented with a very cute wombat which I will be taking with me & including in photos (maybe a cute Geoffrey replacement?)
 I was given this beautiful flower arrangement by my hosts which smells divine and will apparently live well without much care & even stay looking pretty when it's dried - those of you who know me well know that, although I love plants, I'm not particularly green fingered!  My journey home was far less eventful apart from a uie on a main, busy, highway!

Friday, 24 August 2012


Well!  I'm pretty tired after my first full week of teaching 5 year olds.  I'd forgotten how much they complain and whinge about just about anything they can think of!  They are pretty cute though and the marking is cool - it pretty much has to be done during the lesson so they can tell you what they've written/drawn etc.  This week was National SSO (School Support Officers) appreciation week.  On Monday, they were all released from their yard/office duties and treated to 'morning tea' in the staff room.  I really think we should do something for our TAs - they work so hard and often feel unappreciated.  
It's still pretty chilly here when the sun isn't out, when it does come out though it really warms up quickly.  It seems to be hiding though at the moment!  I have seen lemon, tangerine and even a grapefruit tree on my travels which look delicious - I've been tempted to reach up and pick one! 

Monday, 20 August 2012


It's so civilised here, the staff have drinks and nibbles in the staffroom after school on a Friday - what a great way to start the 

Sunshine - the real Australia!

The weather is getting better, we had a lovely weekend of sunshine.  I spent the weekend exploring the neighbourhood on Saturday foun.  I even found Picidilly Circus - a bit quieter than our at home though!   and on Sunday, I had to go and get some retail therapy.  

Piccadilly Circus - Just a touch quieter than ours!

Flaming Galahs!!!!

Thursday, 16 August 2012


OMG!  It's absolutely pouring it down over here!  I think I'll have to get a windcheater.  I was walking home from school in a little shower, I had my brolly so thought I'd nip to the shop.  Well, when I came out of the first shop, the heavens opened.  It was just like being at home,  I got absolutely soaked to the skin!   I'm so glad there's a fire in the house, my boots (only winter footwear I packed) are currently sitting in front of the fire.  Who'd have thought I'd be so cold when I first arrived!  I'm looking forward to summer when, I'm told, it often reaches 42 degrees.

Rain flowing along the kerb outside the house!

I'm Here

Giant chillies in some soup I had in Hong Kong, needless to say, I didn't eat them!

The long journey was pretty good after an emotional farewell to Hayley & Nathan, I arrived on Sunday morning feeling really refreshed and ready to begin my adventure.  The weather is a bit cooler here than it was when I left the UK which feels really odd!  My exchange partner and her daughter met me at the airport which was really kind of them - we were a little concerned about whether we'd recognise each other but there was no problem.  There is some interesting
 I certainly didn't think I'd be living down the road from a castle!

architecture on the street - there's a castle styled house down the road and I also found some fake cows in someone's front garden!

Is this Milton Keynes or Adelaide?

Day 1
My first day at school was really great.  Everyone here is so friendly, I know I'm just going to love it! (There will be no need to refer to a certain bird on a rock!)  The class is one of 5 reception classes so there are plenty of people to turn to when I get stuck.  Reception here is really a bit more like year 1 back in the UK, they can all form letters correctly and know their numbers which is a huge relief as I did think that it was going to be more basic.  The children all attend Kindergarten before starting in reception which means that their basic letter and number are already in place when they start school.  There is so much I have to take in so am feeling a little bit of information overload but once I start actual teaching, I'm sure things will fall into place.  I've put up a link to the school website below:

Staff Room

Just some of the school buildings!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

9 days to go!

Just 9 days now until my adventure begins.  I've done most of the necessary calls to companies that I need to sort things out with.  My house is just about ready, just got a few more things to get or do so that it's all in order for my exchange partner.  I'm not really sure how I'm going to cope without a car - it's been okay without one but being off work does make a difference.  I should get fit with all the walking I'll be doing!
Getting excited now!  Even though I've only got half the usual 6 weeks holidays, it's so exciting going into a new system on the other side of the world.